Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yesterday was an eventful day...largely due to my complete inability to be normal. I'm not ashamed.  I'm also reverting to my favorite blog post format: listing! Badaboom.

1. Meeting with my professor. I ran out of questions and just babbled about my personal life to my professor. I am so NOT getting the extra credit I asked for. Literally talked about my mother...and my class schedule...aaaaand life...and my lack of a job. Seriously, I left that meeting so embarrassed, but for some reason I just could not stop the babbling. Ah well. Mom was all, "well maybe it's good you've established as relationship with him. He'll remember you!" Yes, Mama, he will remember me, as the chick who probably didn't study enough for his exam (another of my confessions).

2. Snuck in a run when one of my classes was cancelled. This was awesome except for two things. First, I over estimated the time I had so I had to squeeze my distance into 5 less minutes than I thought I had. Not so easy...just...terrible. And second, there was a woman wearing depends there. Those depends were full of poo. Probably too much information, but it reeked, and she was on the treadmill next to mine. I almost vommed, but it totally motivated me to get it over with

3. Did not work over lunch. This was just flat out awesome.

4. Got asked to go out on Thursday night with a dude I don't know too well because he might win this business plan competition (involved CASH MONEY as the prize), and thinking I would be high-larious, I was all, "oh, you buying?" Then I realized that sounded presumptuous and flirtatious. So...that's going to make our group project awkward...especially since I didn't mean it like that. Ah yeah, keep up the winning LB.

Here's hoping today involves me displaying more reserve and tact....

Fat chance.

Friday, February 10, 2012

To Facebook, or Not to Facebook, that is the question.

Full disclosure, I'm a bit of a facebook (from here on, it'll be abbreviated 'fb', deal) addict. I check it several times a day and rarely have notifications because I do nothing on it but be a creep. ANYWAY, I'm starting to get annoyed with all the statuses (stati?) that I read about people owning life, because let's face it, no one's going to put up a status about their failures. UNLESS they're broadcasting their weight to the world, but I think I'll talk about that later.

No, wait. I'll talk about it right now, because that's what this post is about...yeah buddy. Apparently all my friends are jumping on the weight-loss wagon. It's the hot celebrity thing (I'm looking at you, Jennifer Hudson and Jordin Sparks, yes, you), and wanting to be healthy is cool and all, but I will seriously get violent (not really) the next time I see someone post their ACTUAL weight or ACTUAL pounds lost on fb. I mean fo real, why??? I'm all cryptic, and only my family knows the real stats of LB's scale battle, and I have every intention of keeping it that way. If you need the internet to know that you're "resolving to create a healthy, skinnier you" then I can tell you right now, you may succeed, but ultimately you fail, because it wasn't for you. It was for other people.

Which brings me back to my favorite soap box, be happy being you, no matter what. It's so SO easy to say, I tried to talk myself into a thousand times, and you know what? It only really worked recently, and it is probably directly related to my weight loss, but HEY it's what worked for me. I think even more important than the weight loss, it's the running. All those endorphins make me love e'erybody, even me.

Point is, in some convoluted way I'm saying the same thing I said about confidence. It's all about you. And if you need to post about you on fb, bully for you, but just know, you're annoying to poo-poo out of me, and you're sharing more than you'll want to one day. For me, I'm so SO glad it was kind of private for me. I am not someone who enjoys people's comments about my appearance. I often respond by blushing and simultaneously giving the ever arrogant, "yeah, I know. I'm a hot chick. Don't let it change our relationship." Or other personal fave, I lick my finger and touch to my heinie along with a 'sssss' sound, because THAT is how hot I am. Wish I were kidding about these. I'm not. Yes, I am Queen of Awkward and Socially Unacceptable, let me know if you want to join/visit my kingdom. All are welcome.

I feel like I lost focus somewhere in those lengthy paragraphs, but yeah, keep your private stuff private*.

Please and Thank you.

*kind of ironic to say this in a blog post....whatevs.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stuff I Say

In real life, I'm a fairly awkward person. I just exacerbate the sitch with what I say.

Here's the top ten:

  1. That's what she said
  2. Oh no she didn't!
  3. Can a sister buy a vowel?
  4. huh? oh, I mean, pardon me?
  5. Oh my gracious me.
  6. True story
  7. Holla!
  8. Your mom.
  10. Work it like it's your job.
There they are in all their glory. Sometimes I even combine my faves into some awesome collaboration of ghetto-fabulousness...or just...not. You're welcome.

In other news I was considering starting the Paleo diet for like 1/2 a millisecond, but THEN it was called to my attention that my morning bowl of Cocoa Pebbles and almond milk didn't really fit in the diet plan. So I was like, "LB out." Let's be real, Cocoa Pebbles are infinitely more important than...well, pretty much anything. 

LB out.  
